Clinical Anger among Doctors of Tertiary Care Hospitals: An Analytical Cross-sectional Study
DISCOVERIES REPORTS (ISSN 2393249X), 2023, volume 6


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CITATION: Tariq R, Jama, SQ, Ibrahim MI, Salih M, Siddiqui A, Saad M, Mansoor S. Clinical Anger among Doctors of Tertiary Care Hospitals: An Analytical Cross-sectional Study. Discoveries Reports 2023; 6: e37. DOI: 10.15190/drep.2023.

Clinical Anger among Doctors of Tertiary Care Hospitals: An Analytical Cross-sectional Study

  Rabeet Tariq 1, *, Syed Qutub Jamal 2, Muhammad Ismail Ibrahim  3, Muhammad Salih 4, Amna Siddiqui 5, Muhammad Saad 2, Saira Mansoor

Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan Liaquat National Hospital and Medical College, Karachi, Pakistan Dow International Medical College, Karachi, Pakistan Karachi Medical and Dental College, Karachi, Pakistan

* Corresponding authors:

Dr. Rabeet Tariq, Aga Khan University Hospital, National Stadium Road, 74800 Karachi, Pakistan.; Email:


Anger is a psychobiological, subjective experience that incorporates the involvement of displeasure. The prevalence of anger may be increased in patients with psychological illnesses such as depression and anxiety, which are reported to be high in healthcare workers, especially doctors. After signing an informed consent form, the participants were asked to fill out two questionnaires: One containing demographic details and work-related questions and the second being the Clinical Anger Scale, a validated self-administered measure of clinical anger. Data analysis was done using SPSS version 21. Clinical Anger Scale categories were compared for age and gender differences, across private vs. public hospitals, years of service, working hours per day, and the number of night shifts per week. ANOVA test was performed to test for differences in the CAS anger scores for different levels of practice 65.32% (n=162) participants had minimal clinical anger, whereas 17.74% (n=44) had mild, 9.27% (n=23) had moderate and 7.66% (n=19) reported severe clinical anger. There was a significant difference between professional levels with resident doctors reporting the maximum levels of clinical anger. Anger triggers aggressive behavior that has psycho-biological effects on doctors and affects the relationship among healthcare professionals, negative treatment outcomes ultimately leading to compromised patient care. There is a lack of expression of / conversation around negative emotions -such as anger in healthcare settings which may have various unwanted outcomes such as negative relations within and between different tiers of healthcare providers, leading to compromised patient care. Therefore, a concern for researchers as well as policymakers.

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